Katamari Wiki

Harvest is a cousin whose head looks like an apple and has a flexible body and the movement of a monkey. She's one of a few cousins to be called adorable and cute. The King refers to her as "tomboyish".


Harvest has a head resembling a red apple. Her arms and legs are red and she wears a green dress.


Beautiful Katamari[]

Harvest BK Location

Apples to apples.

Where/How to Find: Fancy & Schmancy's DLC - Standing on a pile of three apples on the ground, in the isle near the fruit stands that are along the wall, straight and to the right from the starting point in the sausages/meats.

Size: 20cm

Description: A cute second cousin with a head shaped like an apple and the reflexes of a monkey.

Cousin Leaderboard Description: A cute second cousin with a head shaped like an apple and the reflexes of a monkey.

When Rolled Up: "Hm? Something tomboyish... It's Harvest! Why aren't you dreaming of greatness?"

Stage Conclusion: "Woo, a flash of red! Hey there, Harvest. In the Princedom, harvest time is Monday at noon."

Mask: Arrow

Katamari Forever[]

Harvest KF

Where/How to Find: Shopping - Standing on a stack of fruit near the fruit aisle of the market in between the fruit stands on the wall and the fruit stands on the floor.

Size: 20cm

Description: A cute second cousin with a head shaped like an apple and the reflexes of a monkey.

When Rolled Up: "Ooh, a frisky monkey. Oh, just Harvest. Same difference, really."

Stage Conclusion: "Huh? Dangling thing... Harvest? Come to hang out?"


  • She can be found in Dangerous Colony and Make a Star - Danger in Beautiful Katamari and Katamari Forever, she’s on the rainy island next to June.
    • she can be rolled up at 300m.
  • Harvest’s description from the Beautiful Katamari Matching Game, when translated is: “A girl who looks like a red ripe apple and moves swiftly like a monkey. She hates being said to resemble a monkey.”

